
제3회 동유럽한국학 컨소시엄(EECKS) 및 동아시아한국학 국제학술회의

Spaces for Change in Literature, Hi/story, and the Cultural Imagination: Korea, the Mediterranean, and Other Europes
2023. 6. 26.~2023. 6. 27.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Poljička cesta 35) in University of Split (Croatia)
크로아티아 스플리트대학교 비교문화-한국학센터/ Centre Studia Mediterranea (SMED), University of Split / 인하대학교 한국학연구소 / 연세대학교 국어국문학과 BK21사업단 / 한국방송통신대학교 통합인문학연구소 / 한국외국어대학교 비교문화연구센터 / 폴란드 아담미츠키예비츠대학교 한국언어문화학과
Seed Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2021-INC2230012), Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Croatia / 크로아티아 스플리트대학교 / 인하대학교 / 연세대학교 / 한국외국어대학교
첨부파일이(가) 없습니다.

The Third East European Consortium of Korean Studies (EECKS) and the International Conference on East Asian and Korean Studies


Title of the Conference

Spaces for Change in Literature, Hi/story, and the Cultural Imagination: Korea, the Mediterranean, and Other Europes


University of Split (Croatia), 26-27 June 2023

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Poljička cesta 35)


Hosted by:

Centre for Cross-Cultural and Korean Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split

Centre Studia Mediterranea (SMED), University of Split

BK21 Team of Department of Korean Language and Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul

Centre for Korean Studies, Inha University, Inchon

Institute for Integrated Humanities, Korea National Open University

Institute for Cross-Cultural Research, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin and Seoul

Department of Korean Language and Literature, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan


Supported by:

Seed Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2021-INC2230012)

Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Croatia

Inha University, Yonsei University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, University of Split



Conference Timetable / Raspored konferencije


Monday, 26 June

Zoom: TBA


8:30 Coffee and light breakfast (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


9:00 Conference starts with Opening in the Large Hall of the Faculty


Opening ceremony / Svečano otvorenje

Introduction by Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Gloria Vickov

Introductory remarks by Rector of University of Split, Professor Dragan Ljutić

Introductory remarks by Dean-elect of the Faculty of Humanities, Professor Ina Reić Ercegovac

Short speech by his Excellency, Ambassador of Republic of Korea, Hong Sungwook

Short speech of Mayor of Split, Professor Ivica Puljak


Organizers’ Remarks / Riječ organizatora

For Yonsei University: Professor Kangsok Cho

For Inha University: Professor Haksung Lim

For Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Professor Kyong-geun Oh

For Korea National Open University: Professor Jongseong Park

For Centre for Cross-Cultural and Korean Studies: Professor Boris Škvorc


10:30–11:00 Coffee and light snacks



Opening Academic Session / Uvodna akademska sekcija



Room: P7 (First Floor)

Zoom: TBA


Four Introductory Lectures Keynote Speakers / Plenarna izlaganja


11:00–11:20 Kangsok Cho (Yonsei University)

The Explorations and Challenges of Contemporary Korean Poetry


11:25–11:45 Brian Willems (University of Split)

Negative Science Fiction in Nam June Paik and Bora Chung


11:50–12:10 Fahim Amir (Independent author)

Afghan Botany in a Transcultural Perspective


12:15–12:35 Sooyoung Lee (Nam June Paik Center)

The Paik-Abe Video Synthesizer and a Vision of World Peace Through Interactive Media


12:40–14:30 Lunch in the nearby Asia Restaurant (a short walk from the Faculty)



14:3018:00 Afternoon Sessions / Popodnevne sekcije


Section 1


Korean Literature and Space for Change (Korejska književnost i nova čitanja)

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA



14:30–14:50 Chang Uk Kim (Graduate School of Yonsei University)

A Study on the Politics of Park Bong-woo’s Poetry (Reading) in the 1950s

– Focusing on the Relationship Between Rhythm, Narrative Strategy, and Images


14:50–15:10 Jeong Jonghyun (Inha University)

Books Read by Kim Il-sung: Focusing on the Reading Experience shown in the Memoir With the Century


15:10–15:30 Anela Ilijaš (Yeungnam University)

Problems of Korean Literature’s Indirect Translation: A Case Study of Božo Kukolja’s Croatian Translation of Korean Poetry


15:30–15:50 Mansu Kim (Inha University)

A Semiotic Analysis of the Play Tomak, Focused on Binary Oppositions


15:50–16:20 Casual discussion with coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


16:20–16:40 Yunsung Yuh (Graduate School of Yonsei University)

Revisiting DICTEE: The Constant Plowing of Identification as a Korean American Female


16:40–17:00 Soonmo Yang (Yonsei University)

Modern Literature or Tragedy


17:00–17:20 Hyowon Lee (Inha University)

The Relations between Humans and Nonhumans in Traditional Korean Literature



Section 2


Korean History and Space for Change / Korejska povijest i nova čitanja

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA


14:30–14:50 Woo Kyungsup (Inha University)

The Dual Identity of Koreans in Early Modern Manchuria


14:50–15:10 Hyun Jae Yoo (Gyeong Sang National University)

Perceptions of Disabilities and Illnesses in Late Chosŏn Korea


15:10–15:30 Na Jonghyun (Seoul National University)

Humanity, Heresy and Destiny: Debates about Human Nature in the Late Joseon Dynasty and Kwon Sang-ha’s Activity


15:30–15:50 Ho Kim (Seoul National University)

Whose Side is Justice On? – Arguments Over the Case of the Filial Daughter Park (Park Hyo-rang) in 1703


15:50–16:20 Casual discussion with coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


16:20–16:40 Kim Jiyoung (Seoul National University)

The Visible People in the Pictures of Dynastic Propaganda: Interaction Between the Monarch and the People


16:40–17:00 Haksung Lim (Inha University)

A Bibliographical Review of a Family Register in the Late Joseon Dynasty, Possessed by the Mission Museum of St. Ottilien Archabbey, Germany


17:00–17:20 Boram Han (Daejeon University)

The Image of Joseon Women in the Eyes of Europeans in the 19th Century: Truth and Misunderstanding



17:20–17:40 António Eduardo Mendonça (Universidade de Lisboa)

Other Koreans in Europe: Koryo-saram Migrants in Portugal



Section 3

Theory, Identity, Interdisciplinary, and Multimedia Studies / Teorija, identitet, interdisciplinarna i multimedijska istraživanja

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA


14:30–14:50 Leo Rafolt (J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek)

Staging an(d) Archive – Between the Culture and Translation


14:50–15:10 Stipe Grgas (University of Zagreb)

How is “Change” Conceived When Coupled with “Space”?


15:10–15:30 Paweł Sowiński (Polish Academy of Science)

Hotel Pharos: Transnational Entrepreneurship on the Polish Trips to the Dalmatian Coast, 1956-1980


15:30–15:50 Gianna Brahović (University of Split)

An Anthropocentric Comparison of Han Kang’s The Vegetarian and Renato Baretić’s Osmi povjerenik (The Eighth Commissioner)


15:50–16:20 Casual discussion with coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


16:20–16:40 Boris Škvorc (University of Split)

(Inter)national Authors Krys Lee and Dubravka Ugrešić Between Two (or More) Countries and Languages


16:40–17:00 Simon Ryle (University of Split)

Old Rendering Plant: Marx’s Gelatine and Levinasian Flesh


17:00–17:20 Joško Božanić (University of Split)

The Chakavian Maritime Lexic as the Intangible Heritage Value of the Croatian Mediterranean Cultural Identity




Section 4

Nam June Paik and Modern Comparative Studies (Nam June Paik i moderna komparativna istraživanja)

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA


14:30–14:50 Olga Majcen Linn (Kontejner – Bureau of Contemporary Art Praxis)

Nam June Paik and Art in the Region: The Revolutionary Heterotopia of the 60s


14:50–15:10 Slobodan Jokić (alias Dan Oki) (Arts Academy, University of Split)

Nam June Paik and Similitudes with Media Artis from the Former Yugoslavia


15:10–15:30 Ivana Dizdar (University of Split, University of Silesia)

Play from (Behind) the Mirror: From Mimesis to the Author’s Re-creation in Selected Works by Sylvia Plath, Vlado Gotovac, and Nam June Paik


15:30–15:50 Martina Munivrana (Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb)

Nam June Paik and Charlotte Moorman – Mirroring New Experiences


15:50–16:20 Casual discussion with coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


16:20–16:40 Biljana Leković (University of Arts, Belgrade)

Nam June Paik and the New Spheres of Sound-Music – Effects/Resonances Within the Yugoslav Cultural Space


16:40–17:00 Catalogue Authors: UMAS, FFST, Kontejner, and the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb

Discussion: Exhibition Nam June Paik: In the Groove, How the Public Responded


17:40–18:00 Joint Closing Remarks and Viewing Some Work from the Nam June Paik Exhibition in Zagreb

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA








Tuesday, 27 June


8:30–9:00 Coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)


Section 5

Multicultural Transmission / Multikulturalna čitanja

Room: TBA

Zoom: TBA


9:00–9:20   Paula Jurišić (University of Split)

A Pig’s Gotta Fly: Bong Joon-ho, Miyazaki and the Anthropogenic Evolution of a “Superpig”


9:20–9:40 Mislav Peić (Independent researcher)

Korean Web Novels: Is Korean Wave Finally Getting a Literary Form?


9:40–10:00 Byoung Yoong Kang (University of Ljubljana)

Between Henry Park and Rahel Varnhagen (A Study on Chang-Rae Lee’s Novel Native Speaker)


10:00–10:20 Emilia Wojtasik-Dziekan (Institute of Oriental Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)

When a Frog Forgets What It’s Like to Be a Tadpole: On Animals in Korean and Polish Proverbs



10:20–10:45 Coffee and light snacks (Council Hall – Vijećnica)



Section 6

Comparison and e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n / Komparativne teme

Council Hall of the Faculty (Velika vijećnica)

Zoom: TBA


9:00–9:20 Kyong-geun Oh and Aleksandra Matulewska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)

Translation of Old Polish Criminal Law Terminology into English and Korean in Adam Mickiewicz’s epic poem “Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Nobility’s Tale of the Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse”


9:20–9:40 Jeong Eun Kyung (İstanbul University)

A Comparative Study on the Emotional e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n Idioms in Korean and Turkish Languages



10:20–10:45 Coffee and light snacks


Council Hall of the Faculty / Velika vijećnica



Promotion of books and journals / Predstavljanje knjiga i časopisa


1. Dan Oki (University of Split)

Maja Munivrana (Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb)

Nam June Paik: In the Groove (Centre for Cross-Cultural and Korean Studies and Museum for Contemporary Arts)


2. Leo Rafolt (J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek):

Montažstroj’s Emancipatory Performance Politics: Never Mind the Score


3. Mika Hannula (University of Turku, Finland)

Juha Suoranta (University of Tampere, Finland)

Tere Vadén (University of Tampere Finland)

Artistic Research: Theories, Methods and Practices

Presented by: Leo Rafolt and Mika Hannula


4. Dalibor Blažina (University of Zagreb, previous editor)

Filip Kozina (University of Zagreb, editor of the issue)

Boris Škvorc (University of Split)

Special issue of the Web of Science journal Književna smotra dedicated to Korean literature, film, and culture

Presented by: Boris Škvorc and Srećko Jurišić


13:30 Lunch in Solin

15:00–19:00 Excursion to the ancient city of Salona and the Renaissance City of Trogir and arriving back to the Split historic city center where we finish the conference



Performance / Predstava


Katarina Lekić (Arts Academy, University of Split)

The Vegetarian

Scenes based on Han Kang’s novel The Vegetarian. Held during the visit to the ancient city of Salona.